Angela Maria Suarez

My name is Angela Maria Suarez Cadavid, but everyone calls me Ang. I am a first-generation Paisa, so basically, my parents are from Medellin, Colombia. I was born between two worlds: light and dark. I am a fourth-generation Bruja and herbalist.

I grew up in a small town in the mountains called Hillburn, NY. Which is Munsee Lenape Land, and my father's native family comes from the Muisca Tribe outside of Bojaca, Colombia—the Andee Mountain tribe.

They used ancient remedies with herbs and spices. They believed in the powers of women and dedicated themselves to work in astrology and herbalism.

So either way, here or back where my roots stem, I would be in the mountains. That’s usually where you can find me, journaling, creating, meditating, or reading.

The Services Provided:

  • Reiki Master sessions w/ Crystals
  • Akashic Records Reading
  • Dream Interpreter
  • Tarot Reader
  • Psychic Medium

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